You Don't Have to Defend Yourself

     For some months now, I've made it a habit to go down to the Spokane River on a daily basis (we live nearby).  I find it to be invaluable to spend this time in beauty and silence (barring the occasional cussing homeless person walking past while blasting Dokken's Dream Warrior), and God has used the time to help me grow in many ways.

     A few days ago, I was sitting on a rock, enjoying the beautiful weather.  Out of the blue, I heard God speak these words:  "You don't need to defend yourself"

       This message surprised me a bit at the time, but as I thought about it through the past few days, I have noticed that my gut reaction to many situations is to defend myself.  When I sin, I want to justify my actions by saying I was tired, or that I was caught off guard by temptation.  I fear criticism (even imaginary criticisms that will probably never occur!) and try to think of explanations for my actions.  I feel self-conscious about some of the things I enjoy, and can easily become defensive about them.  This message from God, therefore, feels liberating.

"You don't have to defend yourself"
I can't justify my sin, and don't need to.  God will forgive me.

"You don't have to defend yourself"
Criticisms do not define me.  God's love defines me.

"You don't have to defend yourself"
What I love is good and valuable, because I am God's child.


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